High Resolution Scanning
Do you have a stack of old photos or heirlooms hidden in a shoebox somewhere? Get your favorite memories out of the closet and have them scanned at Havens Fine Framing! Let us create a digital archive of your art and photos so you can preserve them for the future. That old one-of-a-kind photo that is torn, scratched, faded, or waterdamaged can now be digitally repaired after we digitize it using our high-resolution scanner.
Digital Photo Restoration
Digital Photo Restoration can breathe life back into your damaged photography and artwork. Our digital artists capture your images and repair them digitally using Adobe Photoshop. Let us re-touch, re-print, and save that photograph or piece of art that you thought was destroyed forever. With digital image manipulation, we can…
- Restore old damaged photographs to their original condition, removing blemishes like fading, creases, marks, dust & scratches.
- Remove water or moisture damage and acid burns, including foxing, mold, mildew, or stains.
- Correct Color, Contrast, and Silver Emulsion Damage (Ghosting)
- Convert to Black and White, Sepia Tone, Antique Finishes, or apply custom colors.
- Re-touch & beautify skin tone, faces, and bodies.
- Remove subjects and backgrounds.
Giclée & Photo Printing
Do you need an art print or photo reproduction? The digital artists at Havens Fine Framing can help you with all of your art printing needs. When making fine art digital prints, quality is everything. Our giclée (zhee-klay) prints are professional museum-quality digital ink jet prints. Every image is proofed and printed using archival inks and your choice of our finest and most durable stock. We print on Fine Art Cotton-Rag Paper, Canvas, and Luster Photo Paper. Each image is optimized by our Digital Art Specialist to have the best and most true color and contrast.